What is the equivalent to Oracle PL/SQL TRANSLATE function in Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL?
TRANSLATE returns string with all occurrences of each character in from_string
replaced by its corresponding character in to_string
, both of these strings are being passed as parameters to TRANSLATE. For example,
TRANSLATE('big brown cow', 'abc', 'xyz') /* this would return 'yig yrown zow' */
This function is useful in many situations, for example, replacing letters in phone numbers with corresponding digits, and in many other situations. I am assuming there is no built-in equivalent, so we might need to create a custom T-SQL function that would work like Oracle's TRANSLATE?
This T-SQL user-defined function would work exactly the same as Oracle's PL/SQl TRANSLATE function. Please note that by default it is case-insensitive, i.e. 'A
' and 'a'
work the same. However, if your instance of SQL Server is made case-sensitive by your DBA, then this whole function would become case-sensitive.
/* @search and @replacement params must have EXACTLY the same number of chars, and together they represent the desired string transformation */
create function dbo.Translate
@source varchar(8000),
@search varchar(8000),
@replacement varchar(8000)
returns varchar(8000)
declare @i int, @iMax int
set @iMax = len(@search)
set @i = 1
while @i <= @iMax
set @source = replace(@source, substring(@search, @i, 1), substring(@replacement, @i, 1))
set @i = @i + 1
return @source
select dbo.Translate('big brown cow', 'abc', 'xyz')
yig yrown zow
(1 row(s) affected)
I made a change, with this version you can work with UPPER and lower cases as you wish :
create function dbo.translate
@source varchar(8000),
@search varchar(8000),
@replacement varchar(8000)
returns varchar(8000)
declare @i int, @iMax int
set @iMax = len(@search)
set @i = 1
while @i <= @iMax
set @source = replace(@source collate latin1_general_CS_AS, substring(@search collate latin1_general_CS_AS, @i, 1), substring(@replacement collate latin1_general_CS_AS, @i, 1))
set @i = @i + 1
return @source
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